According to the regulations of ministry of higher education in Jordan, no student with an average less than 80%, in the scientific branch of the Jordanian General High School Exam (JGHSE), or its equivalent exams abroad, is admitted in Electrical Engineering programs. JGHSE is a national examination administered by the Ministry of Education (MoE). Students are admitted to the Electrical Engineering department according to their JGHSE exam score.

Two tracks of admission are available: the competition-based "regular" track and the noncompetition "parallel" track. Regular track is essentially for Jordanian students who have high grades, either in the JGHSE or its equivalent exams abroad. In this case, students apply through a central admission committee, which coordinates unified admission to all Jordanian public universities. The admission is done on a competitive basis. Students with the higher JGHSE scores will be given priority in admission. 

In the "parallel" track, admission requirement is also a minimum of 80% score in JGHSE or equivalent, where the students apply directly to the university. Student selection and admission to this track is also competitive based on the JGHSE score or its equivalent and university’s standards. After admission, students from both tracks attend the same classes, have the same exams and get the same certifications. The only difference between the two tracks is that the parallel track has higher fees than the regular track. Nevertheless, in both tracks the admission is done on a competitive basis. Students with the higher grades will be given priority in admission.

The bulk majority of students in the Electrical Engineering program are admitted on a national competition basis. However, exceptions do exist in the form of privileged admissions to sons and daughters of a few selected groups including, for example, the university employees, schoolteachers working at the ministry of education, and students studying at less privileged areas, and members of armed forces, and military. Each of these groups competes separately on a seat block according to preset quotas and all are still subject to the 80% JGHSE score minimum requirements.

First: admission procedures

1. The student enters the new student portal on the university website.

2. Completing the admission procedures:

3. The student enters the system link for completing admission and registration procedures.

4. The student enters his seat number in the high school exam and his national number, then presses the entry button.

5. A new screen appears containing the student's name and the major in which he was accepted.

6. The student presses the “Save” button, and the student will be transferred to another screen containing his new university number and password.

7. The student clicks on the link of the student's status card in order to be able to complete the procedures in the second step. ​

8. In the event that the student wishes to receive a text message containing the password for the student's university number, the student must click on the link for the password receiving system at the bottom of the electronic enrollment system page.

  Second: Student status card

•  To complete the procedures, the student's status card must be filled in through the link on the same page by entering the university number and password. The student's admission procedures will not be completed unless he fills out the student's status card.

•  The student prints the acceptance notice and the electronic enrollment application, and the student will not be able to print them unless he fills out the student's status card.

 Third: Inquire about fees and electronic payment

• Fees will not be collected on campus and will be as follows:

• To inquire about the value of the fees owed by the student; He enters the university number and determines the number of hours he wishes to register through the link to inquire about university fees and electronic payment. He can continue to pay his fees electronically if he or his guardian has an account in a bank.

• If he does not have a bank account, the student should review any of the branches of banks and exchange shops operating in the Kingdom to pay the prescribed fees.

• The student can pay university fees through bank applications on smart phones.

 Fourth: Self-registration.

• The student can complete the electronic registration process for courses through the electronic registration page, after reviewing the materials newspaper, the study plan, and the guiding plan for new students, in order to use.   

• After completing the registration process, please fill out:

1.  A questionnaire of students' satisfaction  with electronic procedures.
2.  My talent model.

 Fifth:   Proficiency exams

 University proficiency exams are not linked to course registration.

 The student must take the proficiency exam during the first semester of his admission to the university, otherwise he will be considered as failing the proficiency exams.

University proficiency exams will be held at a later time, and   the date of the exam and the arrangements for holding the exam will be announced at the time on the university’s website via the following link:

Sixth:   Issuing the multi-use smart card (university ID)

 The student must have filled out the student's status card, as a condition for issuing the university ID.

 The Deanship of Student Affairs will deliver the cards that will be issued by Cairo Amman Bank, and the delivery dates will be announced later on the university website and the Deanship of Student Affairs page on Facebook.

There is no need to visit the Deanship of Student Affairs except after announcing it on the official page of the Deanship of Student Affairs found in the links below.

-  Required documents:

·    Original high school transcript or a certified copy

·     One personal photo.

·     A certified copy of the birth certificate.

·     A certified copy of the passport for non-Jordanians only

·     A certified copy of the Civil Status ID.

·   Flag service book (for males), exemption certificate, or occupation permit.

·     Printed acceptance notice.

- Electronic enrollment application.

Submit the required documents

* The student can hand the required documents over to the Admission and Registration Unit no later than Thursday 2/11/2023.

* Dear student. You must constantly follow the university's announcements through the university's website, the official pages on social networking sites, and the new student portal. ​
